PVC Conveyor |
& Elevator Belting |
PVC - 90 Black A thin, strong yet flexible, general purpose belt highly suitable for lightweight conveying of small products. Oil, chemical and stretch resistant. CLICK HERE FOR SPECIFICATIONS #89
PVC - 100 Black Chevron Top The herringbone pattern of alternating rows of soild PVC chevrons forms a cover highly capable of moving bulk, free-flowing materials such as grains, food stuffs, feeds and fertilizers up steep inclines. |
PVC Roughtops Rough textured, non-skid surface enables packages, boxes, cases and other products to be conveyed on incline or decline. Uni-ply construction and PVC compounds result to combine all the best properrties for high-traction conveying and best resistance to oils, greases, water, industrial chemicals, abuse and stretch. The green Supergrip is softer durometer for higest grab and steepest inclines. CLICK HERE FOR SPECIFICATIONS #86-#87
PVC Black Crescent Top Aggressive scoop pattern for high incline conveying. Cresent pattern creates hundreds of tiny "buckets" capable of conveying liquids along with soilds. Conversely, the belt can be run the opposite direction, and the upside-down crescent convey soilds while draining off liquids. |
PVC - 120 and 150 Black Has proven to be the longest-wearing, best-performing, most problem-free package handling belt available today. Economical, general purpose specification ideal for a variety of roller bed, slider bed and live roller applications. Offers low stretch, high fastener-holding ability and superior rip, tear, and gouge resistance. CLICK HERE FOR SPECIFICATIONS #90-#91-#92-#93-#94-#95
PVC - 200 Black Problem-free, high-performance elevator belt popular in the feed and grain industries. Also popular as heavy-duty package and bulk-product conveyor belt for both slider bed and roller bed conveyors. CLICK HERE FOR SPECIFICATIONS #96-#97-#98
PVC - 350,450,750 Black Is the most common, best cost performance yield elevator belting available in the feed and grain industry. Features low stretch, trouble-free operation, high bolt-holding ability, resistance to grain oils, fire, mosture, mildew and rot. CLICK HERE FOR SPECIFICATIONS #99-#100-#101
Belt samples are available! Call for details. |